
Version 2 (modified by stresslinux, 15 years ago) (diff)


Quick steps until version 0.3.1

ISO distribution:

  1. Download the iso-image: on Win32 Systems or .iso.bz2 on Linux
  2. Unpack the iso and burn it with your favourite cd-r application (e.g. Nero on Win32 / cdrecord on Linux)
  3. Boot from your newly created disc.
  4. Type root and press RETURN on "stress login: "
  5. In the next dialog select your keyboard layout - for german you can press RETURN
  6. The second dialog will be the sl-wizard where you can select your mainboard-/vendor/type, this will load the needed modules for your hardware sensors.
  7. If the modules are successfully loaded and all sensors detected correctly then you can see the output of sensors on tty12.
  8. On tty11 he temperatures of your IDE/SCSI harddrives will be displayed.
  9. tty10 shows you a graphical ethernet throughput meter.
  10. Tools for testing your system are listed in the motd. For little help on these tools type <toolname> --help
  11. If you need to login into stresslinux via ssh, use the user "stress" with password "stress" . This is a 2nd root account.
  12. If you want to rerun sl-wizard, then execute "rm /tmp/sensors". Now run

PXE distribution:

  1. The pxe package includes a small readme, with requirements and some sample configuration files for dhcp,tftp,nfs

USB distribution: (not heavily tested)

  1. Get the pxe package and the mk_bootstick package.
  2. Extract the pxe distribution into the mk_bootstick folder, a folder _stresslinux should now exist.
  3. Then run./mk_bootstick /dev/<device-to-your-stic>, on some flash memorys you do not need a partition number
  4. follow the output from mk_bootstick